Each of us has a story to tell. I believe by sharing our journeys with each other, we can
create stronger communities and even stronger works of art. Below are examples of my community-building efforts.
FFFC (First Friday Feature Connect) at Netflix Animation
It was important to me that directors had a safe haven to make authentic connections and support one another. To that end, I organized a monthly gathering that began remotely
over the pandemic and continued in person, providing over 30 directors a valuable support
system through the industry’s ups and downs. It is ongoing today.
CONNECTION SERIES at Netflix Animation
I created and moderated a monthly community event called “The Connection Series" to
highlight our internal talent. Think Inside the Actors Studio and Tiny Desk NPR merged
together. Once a month, I moderated an in-depth conversation among different groups in
the studio—including feature directors, producers, editors, storyboard artists, service workers, Expats—to empower and build trust. Events were often attended by 100+.
NASA/JPL invited me to participate in a unique collaboration of creatives from multiple disciplines (animation, music, entertainment) to use storytelling to bring people together.
This is an ongoing collaboration and we are planting seeds for the future.
LeoProject Partnership (Animation Teacher and Consultant)
Together with the LeoProject team, I started an animation program in Kenya, Africa teaching animation and storytelling remotely every Friday and Saturday night. We built multiplane cameras to teach stop motion and cut-out animation to young teen Kenyan girls. My goal
was to empower them to express themselves through creativity and art, and will never forget their smiles every time they saw their creation come to life!
SWANA* at Netflix Animation
I organized monthly hybrid meetings for members and allies of SWANA to have a safe space
to connect. The SWANA community is one of the most underrepresented in the industry, and I wanted to make us feel visible. I filmed and edited videos of our SWANA colleagues and screened them in town halls to represent the underrepresented. “We are here!”
(*South West Asia and North Africa Community/New term for the Middle East)
EXPATS at Netflix Animation
I organized monthly hybrid meetings for our first-generation immigrant colleagues to come together and share our lived experiences. As a first-generation immigrant and refugee who
can’t return to my homeland Iran, I know the importance of sharing memories to uplift one another. The exposure to each other’s cultures also created cross-cultural pollination.